Please make your reservation via e-mail to or mobile phone +351 936129716.
It would be good to have a phone contact of you, too and to know the period of your stay here, allowing me to inform you on short notice, in case a tour has to be shifted because of weather conditions or so.
Google-map to "Passeios Ria Formosa" in Fuseta here.
Google-map with directions to "Ecoceanus" in Portimão here.

Great Shearwater (Puffinus gravis) about 9 miles off Portimão (14th of August 2011). The bird first circled around the vessel during the chumming-session, then landed about 3 or 4 m behind the boat, looked what is under water, like a diver a few times and then disappeared diving for a sinking Sardine for something like 10 seconds, using his wings under water. Great moment ! Thanks to Grégory Lepoutre for sharing the wonderful photo !
September 2011:
1st of September (Thursday) - Pelagic off Fuseta
8.00 to about 11.00 a.m.
Min. 4 / max. 10 people
Price: 40 € per Person (25 € preço especial para socios da SPEA)
6th of September (Tuesday) - Pelagic off Fuseta
8.00 to about 11.00 a.m.
Min. 4 / max. 10 people
Price: 40 € per Person
12th of September (Monday) - Pelagic off Fuseta
8.00 to about 11.00 a.m.
Min. 4 / max. 10 people
Price: 40 € per Person (25 € preço especial para socios da SPEA)
Friday, 16th of September (new date !) - extended Pelagic off Portimão
7.30 to about 14.30 (c. 7 hours) including at least 2 hours of chumming.
We will head out to a sea-canyon between 10 and 15 miles off shore.
Soft drinks and snack included. Toilet on board.
Min. 6 / max. 9 people
Price: 70 € per Person
21st of September (Wednesday) - Pelagic off Fuseta
8.00 to about 11.00 a.m.
Min. 4 / max. 10 people
Price: 40 € per Person
October 2011:
11th of October (Tuesday) - Pelagic off Fuseta
8.00 to about 11.00 a.m.
Min. 4 / max. 10 people
Price: 40 € per Person
14th of October (Friday) - Pelagic off Fuseta
8.00 to about 11.00 a.m.
Min. 4 / max. 10 people
Price: 40 € per Person (25 € preço especial para socios da SPEA)
30th of October (Sunday) - Pelagic off Fuseta
8.00 to about 11.00 a.m.
Min. 4 / max. 10 people
Price: 40 € per Person (25 € preço especial para socios da SPEA)
November 2011:
17th of November (Thursday) - Pelagic off Fuseta
8.00 to about 11.00 a.m.
Min. 4 / max. 10 people
Price: 40 € per Person (25 € preço especial para socios da SPEA)
For more info and trip-reports please visit my website or previous blog-entries. Thank you.
I include here the species-list of the latest trip done with Ecoceanus / Portimão from 14th of August 2011, including both, Sooty- and Great Shearwaters. A trip-report from September 2010 is here.
Puffinus gravis 2
Puffinus griseus 2
Puffinus mauretanicus c. 30
Calonectris diomedia c. 80 (borealis, +2 possible diomedia)
Oceanicus oceanites c. 25
Hydrobates pelagicus c. 5
Stercorarius skua 1
Larus audouinii 1 juv.
Sterna hirundo 1 juv.
Morus bassanus c. 30
Adult pale-morph Pomarine Skua (Stercorarius pomarinus) off Portimão, 22-08-2011. Photo: Daniel Machados / Ecoceanus.
Wilson's Storm Petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) is one of the main target-species for Pelagic boat-tours in the Algarve. This has been subject to an article published in Dutch Birding recently.

Wilson's Storm Petrels about 6 miles off Fuseta (east Algarve). July 2011. Both photos: Peter Schwarz. Many thanks for sharing !

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