Then a second bird- and a few Min. later, a third bird showed up. These two birds, were both a product of Hybridisation with Common Pochard (Aythya ferina).
At my previous visit, in early December 2009, there were 2 "normal" adult males present, plus one bird, wich could have been the second of the Hybrids shown further down. So, 2 of, at least 5 different "Ferruginous Ducks" observed at the location this winter, were Hybrids. I have seen and photographed this type of Hybrids at Lagoa dos Salgados, about 15kms further west, in earlier years already, wich is the only site, were the species is known to have bred with succsess in recent years.

Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca). A "normal" first winter -male. Note the colour-tone, hardly contrasting between flanks and breast. Head- and bill-proportions and the bright white and clear defined undertail-patch. Vilamoura, 14-01-2010.

Hybrid of Ferruginous Duck and Common Pochard (Aythya nyroca x ferina) an adult male. Note the greyish flanks, yellowish eye, colour-tone on head and breast and the head and bill-shape. The confusion species Aythya americana has a different, more roundish head-profile and different markings on the bill. the following two photos are showing the same Individual. Vilamoura, 14-01-2010.

The following two photos show the third Individual present that day, also a Hybrid obviously, of the same species, apparently. A first winter or a female Individual ?

Hybrid of Ferruginous Duck and Common Pochard (Aythya nyroca x ferina). Vilamoura, 14-01-2010.
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