Wryneck (Jynx torquila) sunbathing in the late afternoon.
Left the house in the late afternoon on another sunny day today for the parts of Ria Formosa Natural Park I am living next to. Wildflowers are still stunning where ever one looks. A perched Black-Kite and many Bee-eaters and Azur-winged Magpies (or should I say Iberian- ?) were the first birds I noticed. I had good observations of Little Bittern and also managed some digiscoping-shots. Nearby, a Wryneck sung loudly. I then saw it in a Pine Tree and got some record shots, as well. I scanned the flocks of Dunlins and Little Stints in a tidal lagoon, mixed with a few other wader-species, but there wasn't anything "unusual" among them. Visiting previous years nesting side of Savi's Warbler produced 2 singing males. Purple Heron (couple), a few Spoonbills and an adult Black-crowned Night Heron were at the same place. Water Rail, Little Bittern and Purple Gallinule were heard, plus Stone Curlew on the way back to the car.

Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus)
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