Lagoa Salgados in the west-Algarve is one of the best places to find a wader-rarity here and did not fail us at a visit last week (16-09-2010) when we watched a juvenile Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis) feeding in the low salt-vegetation (Salcicornia) next to the lagoon at the end of the day.
After a while we met Rui Eufrasia, vigilant at the lagoon and learned that the bird had been seen in the morning already but not been reported. Interesting, that there has been a juvenile BBSP at the same spot, last September as well (see photos here.) This years bird was still present the following day, but has not been seen on the 20th and 21st of September anymore. I got some rather poor (low light) digiscoping shots... Several Ind. have been found in Spain this month, too, by the way.
An interesting factsheet about the species (by birdlife) is here.

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